First-time motherhood, a subsequent loss of identity, and a protracted search for a new identity all brought this series to life. Five years ago, the emotional connection that bound me to my past was cut together with the umbilical cord that connected my baby to my body. I had a rebirth-like sensation.

Cutting the cord liberated my soul. Strangely, while a mother's cord is a source of life for her baby, my emotional cord that tied me to the past, made it nearly impossible to breathe. It was necessary to cut the connection to my past, to the people and rules that tried to mould me into something I was not.

The colours in these artworks, which were inspired by the views of the Atlantic Ocean and the enormous rocks that lie beneath it, the marks, which convey loose strands that have no beginning and no end, and the golden light that touches the water, all represent my freedom. This series is intended to motivate you to sever any ties that restrict your freedom.